IELTS Preparation Material and Tips IELTS Reading Assist IELTS Progress Check Clarify the question IELTS Writing Assist We hear your accent Speak with a person, not a computer Explaining IELTS on computer Discover computer-delivered IELTS Introducing computer-delivered IELTS, results in 5-7 days Computer-delivered IELTS is here CBT- What to expect on test day Listening test on computer - Explaining IELTS on computer Can I move back screens to check my Listening answers? Handy tips to help with your Reading test on a computer! Handy tips to help with your Writing test on a computer! Can you complete your whole IELTS test on the same day on computer? Can I pause or restart my Listening test? - Explaining IELTS on computer What is the room like when I take IELTS on computer? How can I highlight and make notes on the computer? Are tools like spellcheck and dictionaries available? What are the advantages to doing IELTS on a computer?